Vegies, Fruits and Cheese! How can you go wrong with that combination?

Have your child help shop, cut, and then inspire them to make shapes, bugs, allow their creativity to come to life. Healthy eating can be just as much fun preparing as much as it can be eating if the idea is presented in a fun way to the child. Food prep is an amazing way to encourage independence in the child, develop their hand eye coordination, self confidence and self esteem. Children can be introduced at an incredibly young age to food prep and as they grow older, imagine all the math that’s involved in measuring, reading a recipe and ensuring accuracy. Not only is the brain stimulated in a variety of ways but also whole child development is enhanced. We are child care centre supporting all aspects of early childhood development.

Is food prep for your child an issue? Or is your child a picky eater?

Involve your child in! From shopping to food prep, making choices and being creative, have your child participate – almost make them responsible for their own meal.

The best cooks are often the pickiest eaters and most children love what they have made.

Get them really interested in food prep and let them help cook for the family. When the focus becomes ‘who cooked’ and ‘how tasty’ your child will probably be licking their own fingers by them.

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