We have created the perfect bridge between home and school. Our classroom exuberates a feel of professionalism and authenticity of the Montessori method. Dr. Maria Montessori believed that children have a natural desire to learn, and that the role of the adult is to provide the right environment for the child.
Our classroom radiates respect and dignity for one another, a spirit of helpfulness, social graces and most importantly a love for learning. We strive to create an environment that develops a passion for learning and one which allows children to reach their own unique and full potential.
The classroom provides for a mixed age group (2 years to 6 years) creating an atmosphere of cooperation, sharing and helpfulness. The program caters to each child’s individual needs. Therefore, almost all the teaching takes place on a one to one basis.
Children are allowed the freedom to make independent choices, thus directing their own learning experiences. This in turn fosters a high level of confidence and self- discipline.
Respect is paramount. Both children and adults treat each other respectfully.
In a Montessori setting, children are not reprimanded for their errors. The materials are self correcting and allow the child the opportunity to correct their own error. Our children learn to take responsibility and pride in their own work. Therefore, children develop a high self esteem in this self directed, non competitive and positive interactive environment.